YUKI-NO-HANA Assorted Sashimi ¥6,800(税サ込 ¥8,228)
Blue Fin Tuna ¥1,500(税サ込 ¥1,815)
Large Sweet Shrimp ¥1,700(税サ込 ¥2,057)
Sea Urchi ¥4,200(税サ込 ¥5,082)
【Blue Fin Tuna, Sea Urchin, Large Sweet Shrimp, Rockfish, and 3 other pieces】
Assorted Sashimi | ¥3,880(税サ込 ¥4,694) |
【Sea Urchin, Flash-boiled Red King Crab, Large Sweat Shrimp, and 2 other pieces】
Blue Fin Tuna | ¥1,500(税サ込 ¥1,815) |
Salmon | ¥900(税サ込 ¥1,089) |
Rockfish | ¥1,480(税サ込 ¥1,790) |
Scallop | ¥1,200(税サ込 ¥1,452) |
Surf Clam | ¥1,350(税サ込 ¥1,633) |
Large Sweet Shrimp【2 pieces】 | ¥1,700(税サ込 ¥2,057) |
Sea Urchin | ¥4,200(税サ込 ¥5,082) |
You can see the picture by tapping the food name.
※Otoshi appetizer ¥700(税サ込 ¥847) is automatically served if you only order a la carte.
※The price shown is without tax. Consumption tax and 10% service fee will be added to the price shown.
※Guests are not permitted to take away any food out of the restaurant under the rule of Public Health Office.